CSE 240C: Advanced Microarchitecture (Spring 2020)

Instructor: Hadi Esmaeilzadeh

Email: hadi [AT] eng [DOT] ucsd [DOT] edu
Office: CSE 3228

Soroush Ghodrati: soghodra [AT] eng [DOT] ucsd [DOT] edu
Office hours: TBD


Writing critiques will help you develop critical thinking and teach you how to evaluate and extract deep understanding from original research papers.


You should expect to read for one to four hours for each week and to think and write for an additional hour or two to develop an interesting critique. Your emphasis should be on the innovation and insights that the papers provide and the avenues of new research that these papers pave.


Critiques are due at the beginning of the class. If you are presenting and leading the discussion, you are not required to write a critique.

Your critique should not exceed two pages and must reflect on what you learned and thoughts provoked by the paper. The critique must includes a short summary of the paper, but most of it should be based on your original thoughts about the paper, what you learned form the paper, and your new ideas provoked by the paper. Please seek concision and clarity and avoid unnecessary commentary. Your and my time is priceless! Make sure that you use an active voice in your critique.

The following specific format is required.


I will evaluate your critiques on a ten-point scale. You can also get a bonus point; however, I expect most critiques to receive a ten.

Late policy

For each assigned paper, critiques are due at the beginning of the corresponding class. I will not accept late critiques, except in the case of illness.

Reading material for writing critiques